So, probably a couple of hours after the last post, I got a rejection of a full from one agency. Before I could crawl away and properly lick my wounds, one of the agents who had requested a partial three days ago, requested a full.
Aaah, the universe is in balance again. She is the ying to the other agent's yang. Meanwhile I feel like I'm standing on a log in the middle of a freezing lake, trying not to fall over. Because...you see I can't swim. Really.
I've been rejected so many times, I could paper a castle, but every now and then there's a mistake and I get an acceptance. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to speak with you Saturday.
There is a certain element of masochism among writers I believe. Why else would we put ourselves through this torture.
I really enjoyed your reading and your publishing story on Saturday. It was just wonderful and the little Boston in your speech really made me homesick :-)
I was hoping to have chatted with you on Saturday as well. Perhaps next time?
Oh lord, I just got rejected by my number one choice - and what galls me is that he was interested in an older project that i shelved on my own because it was crap! Taste taste ki baat hai. Fingers crossed for you!
Have a great new year!
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