Monday, August 15, 2005

The Booker Longlist

What is a Longlist exactly? The Booker Longlist? Why does this remind me of a beauty contest?

Like when all the lovelies are paraded out in their best swimsuits, legs agleam and bronzed, smiles and boobs pasted in place, hair that doesn't move, while television addicts rate their chances?

And then it gets ugly. Even though the smiles never slip, the eliminations begin and its war. Which turn of phrase shall be the clincher? Which masterful plot steals the show? Who's the most beautiful...errr...the best writer in the land?

There are the previous winners (will they win, Rushdie, Julian Barnes, Ian McEwan? *fingers crossed*) or will it be the cute young thing from another market. Zadie Smith perhaps? Harry Thompson? Marina Lewycka? Have we had a winner from the Ukraine before? It's nerve-wracking

The field narrows further on September 8th when *gasp* the shortlist will be announced. Till then we wait. How shall I make the time go by *winks*

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